whiteboard cinema & royal alpacas

Yesterday in my neighborhood some little girls were selling their drawings, lemonade-stand style, for 25 cents apiece. I bought this one, which I imagined was a family of royal alpacas. It turns out they are unicorns.


Also this week, we’ve wrapped up my Film Studies class for the year. All year, I’ve been tracing onto the white board paused scenes from the movies we’ve been watching, as backdrops for our discussions. I started an Instagram account for these last semester (@whiteboardcinema), and I’ve posted a few of the drawings on this blog. Here are some more from the last few months. One of my students, Sydnee H., did this one from Raising Arizona:


Here’s Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (with a freehand Spiderman by Zaida W.)…



…  and a few stills from The Godfather (Parts I and II) …

luca brasi

sonny godfather


… Strangers on a Train 


… and, most recently, Moonrise Kingdom:


I’m compelled by art that’s designed to be temporary, made to evaporate, wither, or vanish: jack-o-lanterns, sand castles and mandalas, whiteboard or Etch-a-Sketch drawings, fresh magic markings sold to strangers like lemonade. I think it’s good practice, to create something special from scratch and then to let it go.

I don’t have anything especially deep to say about any of that, I just think it’s a good thing to do.

2 thoughts on “whiteboard cinema & royal alpacas

  1. We did the same thing as kids! Sometimes we sold lemonade too, but that was oftentimes a ploy to get an audience for a puppet show or obtain collectors for our 25 cent masterpieces. I feel so much appreciation for people who took the time to play along. : D
    I agree with your sentiments on temporal art. I am endlessly inspired by children’s art because they naturally understand the power of PROCESS. A child can pour their heart and soul into a painting and then turn it into a paper airplane. I adore the drawings my kids do in the steam on the shower glass, the creations they make with food on their plate before eating it, with rocks and leaves on a gravel bar…
    I don’t catch everything you write and do, but when I am able to I always enjoy your musings. Your class seems fun. : )

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